Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pastoral care

3things i have learnt

1.i have learnt how to communicate without using mouth
2.learnt our friends birthdays
3.their characteristics that is related to animals.

2things i can use
1. Use to communicate with others when in war.
2.know friends better

1 thing have learnt from my friends

know more about them

Friday, February 6, 2009

What i want to learn more in the experiments?

I want to know why some of the copper rust when mixed.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

What difficulties i faced doing the experiments.

The difficulties i faced is that some of the chemicals we mixed did not give accurate results than the other pair we saw.I aslo faced that when i mixed wax and water,i could not scrape the thing off the test-tube.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

What have i learnt in the practical session

I have learnt to mixed the chemicals properly and observe what happens before,during and after the experiment.I have also know more about lab safety.

What i want learn more about chapter 2.1

I want to learn more about in chap 2.1 is that i want to know how toknow a sompler way to remember the different questions in chap 2.1.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What are the difficulties i face?

I do not how to do question 4 but i know some method on the testbook.The rest i can do but only that part can teach me a little more?

Monday, February 2, 2009

What I have learnt in chapter 2.1

I have learnt to put in the brackets whenever there is an negative in the sum.I have also learnt that if there are three indivudial brackets , i need to do the first two brackets.