Saturday, August 29, 2009


Afiq Bin Anuar
30 AUGUST 2009
Video 3

Decide not to do
Not to cheat on a test
Ignoring your homework
Play games untll the night

Decide to do

Sit for the test
Tell my parents that i am still not sick and wants to go to school


Decide not to do

Play the game too much
not studying for a test
cheat on a test even though u are a role model
Lie to your parents

Decide to do

Do not play the game too much until you did not want to go to school
plan a study timetable on your daily routine
Do not cheat on a test
Be honest


Did not do

Would get a zero
Parents and principals will be disappointed

Did do
You will feel guilty
Wanted to say that you are cheated but people keep praising you
telling your parents that you cheated and your parents will not trust you anymore


Treat others as you would like to be treated
.Lisa lied to everybody that she gets an A on her test..If she told the truth to everybody,her parents,teachers,friends will not trust her anymore and she would not like that ..So it is a responsibility for everyone to be honest..

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